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Yoga Poses for Hormonal Balance

Updated: Jun 24, 2021

Every person can benefit by practicing hormone-balancing poses at home, on the beach during a hike or any place you call your happy place. I find practicing these poses in the morning will help kick start your day. This is a 5 part series of the a few of the 26 Bikram poses I enjoy teaching!

Rabbit Yoga Pose (One of my personal favorites)

This pose stimulates the thyroid and parathyroid. It also helps with depression.

1. Start by sitting on your heels, spine is nice a tall.

2. Grasp heels from underneath with all 10 fingers, thumbs on the outside fingers on the inside. Keep a tight grip.

3. Tuck your chin to the chest looking towards your belly button, slowly round down as you suck in your belly. Bring your head as close to your knees.

4. Lift your hips up as you rest the crown of the head gently on the floor. There should be absolutely no pressure on your head or neck. If this happens pull harder on your heels and lift your hips up higher.

5. Rest comfortably for a few breaths with a soft gaze.

6. Natural breath in and out of your nose.

More amazing beneficial poses to come that will not only help with hormonal balance, also spine strengthening and lengthening.

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