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Cameras On Or Off?

You are letting others see what you are doing increases productivity. You are much more likely to pay attention and stay on task when the yoga teacher and peers can see you in person, and it is no different online or in person.

During our livestream yoga classes, we ask all students to keep their cameras on because....

Camera On?

  1. Safety is our priority with every pose or exercise class.

  2. Students work harder knowing they are a part of a team.

  3. Teachers can encourage if they see you need motivation.

  4. We love to see your smiling face.

  5. We are a judgment free zone.

Camera off?

  1. If you are new to yoga, we get it!

  2. You may feel intimated.

  3. The good news is that you should sign in 10 minutes before class.

  4. Message your yoga teacher in advance and discuss your options.

  5. Think of livestream classes as walking into a studio in the comfort of your home.

  6. Remember you can leave by signing out whenever you want.

Most importantly, we provide a safe space for every yoga student and teacher.

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